Sfu Collective Agreements

SFU Collective Agreements: Understanding the Basics

Simon Fraser University (SFU) is one of the largest and most respected universities in Canada, with a reputation for academic excellence and innovation. As a key employer in British Columbia`s higher education sector, SFU is required to negotiate and maintain collective agreements with its various employee groups.

What are Collective Agreements?

Collective agreements are legal contracts between a union and an employer that outline the terms and conditions of employment. These agreements cover a wide range of issues such as wages, benefits, working conditions, job security, and grievance procedures.

In the case of SFU, there are several unions representing various employee groups, including:

– Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

– Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)

– Faculty Association (FA)

– Administrative and Professional Staff Association (APSA)

Each union negotiates its own collective agreement with SFU, which is typically renewed every few years.

Why are Collective Agreements Important?

Collective agreements serve an essential role in protecting the rights and interests of workers. They provide a framework for fair and equitable treatment, ensuring that employees are compensated fairly, have access to benefits, and are protected from arbitrary or discriminatory actions by employers.

For SFU, collective agreements are also critical in maintaining a positive and productive working relationship with its employees and their unions. By negotiating in good faith and adhering to the terms of the agreements, SFU can avoid costly disputes and disruptions that could harm its reputation and operations.

What`s Included in SFU`s Collective Agreements?

The specific terms of SFU`s collective agreements vary depending on the union and employee group. However, some common provisions found in these agreements may include:

– Salary scales and pay rates for different job classifications and levels

– Benefits such as health and dental insurance, pension plans, and sick leave

– Vacation and holiday entitlements

– Job duties and responsibilities

– Workplace safety and health regulations

– Grievance procedures and dispute resolution mechanisms

How Can Employees and Employers Navigate Collective Agreements?

Collective agreements can be complex legal documents, and it`s essential for employees and employers to fully understand their rights and obligations under these agreements. This is particularly true for SFU, where multiple agreements exist for different employee groups.

Employees can familiarize themselves with their collective agreement by reviewing its contents and seeking clarification from their union representatives or HR department. Employers, in turn, must ensure that they are in compliance with the terms of the agreements and address any concerns or disputes in a timely and transparent manner.


Collective agreements are a critical component of the employment relationship, and SFU`s agreements are no exception. By understanding the basics of these agreements, employees and employers can work together to uphold fairness, respect, and productivity in the workplace.

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